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5 DC Villains Who Could Make Great Heroes

Woooo! You, too, sometimes think that some villains could be great superheroes if they utilize their supremacy to save the world, then this article is just for you.

5 DC Villains who would make great heroes

Many fans of superheroes of the DC world love to watch villains becoming a famous heroes and find this change more interesting than anything else. Of course, nothing is more interesting than watching or reading about a villain switching himself into a role model to guard the world. Many of the impressive villains are fascinating because they could be good, but one wrong decision changed their aggression for good into bad. And some villains sometimes support heroes, and after that, they finally return to their wicked and evil way.

Below are five instances of Villains who could make great heroes.

5: Killer Croc

Killer Croc in DC Comics
Killer Croc in DC Comics

What if his name was Hero Croc? Despite Killer croc, that would be more fascinating, but this could be true in real if Killer Croc were not raised and lift by his alcoholic aunt. During his childhood, he has suffered from an abusive environment. His aunt misbehaves and humiliates him because he was born with atavism that resembles him with reptilian traits. His abusive alcoholic aunt always calls him the name of ‘reptilian freak’, which pushed him into a state of mental trauma at a young age. These adverse conditions, which he faced since his childhood, are the leading cause of his conversion into the villain and forced him to kill his aunt and did justice with his life. But this incident had made him the first victim in a long line of murder.

After committing several murders, he added his name to the enemies list of the excellent detective superhero of Gotham City, The Batman. If Killer Croc had a great guardian since his childhood and has been raised in a favourable environment, he will surely be a great superhero with a true legacy.

4: Harley Quinn(Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel)

Harley Quinn in DC Comics
Harley Quinn in DC Comics

Harley Quinn is a frequent collaborator and lover of the Joker and an ally to fellow supervillain Poison Ivy in the DC Universe. Earlier she had also grouped up with the Catwoman and Poison Ivy, and this threesome team was popular with the name of Gotham City Sirens. Harley Quinn was often assumed as a woman with less heroic attributes, but after she has dumped her lover Joker, she was living on her own and realised that she wasn’t wholly evil and have some helping qualities. Now she has developed positive heroic attributes and even pushing herself to support Batman in Gotham. This change in her character had generated more interest in female superheroes fans to find out her next step.

3: Sinestro

Sinestro in DC Comics
Sinestro in DC Comics

The former Green lantern Corps was initially out of the best Green Lantern in the galaxy. But his foolishness, insatiability and envy for his powers had made him to lose his mental state of mind and were dishonourably discharged for this. He forcefully used his Green Lantern power to create fear rather than combat it, and later after banished to the’ antimatter universe’ by Guardians. Sinestro teamed up with the scientist called Weapons of Qward, who also hates all the Green Lanterns. Due to mutual enemies, Weaponers agree to help Sinestro create a yellow power ring to use and send him back to the positive matter universe to execute his revenge. Though Sinestro becomes the significant and biggest threat to the Green Lantern Corps, if he uses his power with pure intentions and learns to coordinate with a team member, he could be a great hero of a galaxy with immense powers.

2: Black Adam

Black Adam in DC Comics
Black Adam in DC Comics

The corrupted ancient Egyptian predecessor of Captain Marvel, he was chosen by the wizard Shazam due to his earlier recognized moral purity. Black Adam got powers equal to Captain Marvel, but his meaningless thinking that he is better than everyone across him has corrupted him by the vastness of his powers. His madness forced him to think that he can rule the world, and he killed the pharaoh and headed his own country and continue with his power. Annoyed with this disloyalty, wizard Shazam banishes him to the most far situated star in the universe. In many DC Universe stories, Black Adams has been shown working and coordinating with Justice League and Justice Society in his style. If he has not built up the superiority complex that he is better than others, he could be a great hero.

1: Deadshot

Deadshot in DC Comics
Deadshot in DC Comics

The deadliest assassins in the DC Universe is capable of using any weapons. Being a child of the most influential people in his town, Deadshot becomes a villain due to his father’s uncontrolled and too abusive behaviour, which forced his mother to prompt Deadshot and his brother to kill his father. But while Deadshot took a shot, he accidentally kills his brother. Deadshot is revealed to be a Batman enemy when he creates different attempts to finish the Dark Knight. Deadshot loves his daughter Zoe and can do anything for her. Being a part of the Suicide Squad: Bad Blood Deadshot ended up including his good intentions to save the rest of the squad. If he had not missed a shot that accidentally killed his brother, he might be a great hero that never misses a shot.

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