Home » Everything you need to know about Marvel’s What If…? Animated Series

Everything you need to know about Marvel’s What If…? Animated Series

Now that there’s only one episode left of Loki, Marvel has teased its fans with a whole new animated web series What If…?

Zombie version of Iron Man in What If...? Series
A different Iron Man version in What If…?

It appears Marvel was inspired by all the fan theories and decided to come up with a series which explores all the possibilities in the multiverse if things happened differently.

In the first minute of trailer itself, it gives a glimpse of what all can be explored. Like what would happen if Killmonger had saved Tony Stark from Afghanistan in the first Iron Man movie? What if it was Peggy Carter instead of Steve Rogers who took the super soldier serum and turned into Captain Carter? What would happen if it was T’Challa instead of Peter Quill playing the Star Lord?

The series is filled with all the lead MCU heroes ranging from Iron Man to Captain America to Thanos to Killmonger. It can be said a great reunion of all the characters after the amazing Avengers Endgame.

Doctor Strange in What If...?
Doctor Strange in What If…?

The possibilities are endless and that’s exactly what Marvel is looking to explore with it. What’s even exciting for the fans is that many of original lead actors have voiced their characters in this series including Robert Downey Jr. , the late Chadwick Boseman, Chris Hemsworth and more.

If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, give it a watch below as it has already left the fanbase with another set of theories behind it. This year is certainly very exciting for Marvel fans as they got a handful of amazing web series starting from Wanda Vision to Captain America & The Winter Soldier to Loki.

What If…? Official First Trailer

What If…? is also the first animated MCU series which will be streamed on Disney Hotstar + from 11th August this year with new episodes airing every week. Moreover, a season 2 of this series has been already confirmed.

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