Home » Theories & Easter Eggs from episode 3 of LOKI

Theories & Easter Eggs from episode 3 of LOKI

So now that episode 3 of LOKI has already aired, we’re here to share some of the key observations from this episode which can have a big impact on upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe and LOKI’s role in them.

LOKI and Sylvie getting in train
LOKI and Sylvie getting in train

What happened in this episode of LOKI?

(Warning: The post contains spoilers from this episode)

A lot of character development happened in this episode and most of all we got to see the bonding between male and female Loki who calls herself Sylvie.

The episode starts from TVA where Sylvie & LOKI land up and Sylvie tries to get past guards to find the golden lift. She realises that her powers don’t work in TVA just like LOKI came to know.

After LOKI & Sylvie escape from the TVA by getting away from their guards, they land to Lamentis-1 which is already under apocalypse mode and will soon be shattered. The TeamPad gets discharged due to which they can’t go back to TVA now so they start looking for a charging source which has to be strong enough for that.

Sylvie (Female Loki) trying to use her magic on main male LOKI
Sylvie (Lady LOKI) trying to get into the head of male LOKI

Sylvie’s main mission is to defeat the TVA as she tells LOKI they’re fascist and she has been trying to run away from them ever since she was a child. Now she has a proper plan to defeat them.

LOKI asks her if what will she get doing that to which Sylvie answers nothing which is a shock to LOKI as he always has an end goal of doing anything.

During this journey, LOKI and Sylvie have a lot of dialogue exchange where LOKI shares how he was attached to his mother while Sylvie barely has any memories of her mother.

Sylvie also reveals that the TVA guard (C-20) she was getting information from belonged to Earth which is a shock to LOKI as Mobius told him that all the people on TVA were created by Time Keepers.

LOKI lands to the conclusion that all the people on TVA are just variants of existing people on other planets including Earth and they’re not aware of that. This is where LOKI gets suspicious about TVA and he probably has a lot of questions to ask from Mobius now.

Loki & Sylvie talking about love in episode 3
LOKI & Sylvie having conversation about their life and love

During the whole dialogue exchange in the train, LOKI & Sylvie also develop a sensual moment which is really weird to comment on given both of them are the variants of LOKI only.

There’s also a scene where LOKI acknowledges that he’s into both men & women. So Marvel is finally revealing the true traits of LOKI which is good to know.

What’s next?

Ultimately, there’s a lot to look out for in the next episodes of LOKI as now a lot of details have unfold. It will be exciting to see what Marvel has planned for the show and further MCU legacy.

In case I missed any major observations or easter eggs, please share them in comments.

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