Home » Why Marvel is Not Making a New Solo Movie Around Hulk?

Why Marvel is Not Making a New Solo Movie Around Hulk?

Fans are angry at Marvel that they are coming up with a solo movie around Thor given all other main MCU heroes have had a good set of solo films made or are in pipeline.

So here we are to shed some light on this topic.

Mark Ruffalo as Hulk
Mark Ruffalo as Hulk (Credits: Marvel)

The last solo Hulk movie was released in 2008 titled The Incredible Hulk starring Edward Norton. The movie was solid as the personal fame of Edward Norton also helped to attract eyeballs. Although due to some issues between Edward and Marvel, he was dropped from the future projects.

Enter Mark Ruffalo as Hulk, he first appeared in MCU in the year 2012 through the movie “The Avengers”. He did a sold job as well and became fans favourite. Still so far there’s no buzz that he will be getting a solo movie.

Reason is that Universal Pictures are the co-owners of this character. Just like Sony allows Marvel to make movies with Spider-man character, Marvel shares Hulk with Universal.

As per agreement, if a movie is made on Hulk, Universal owns the distribution rights and get to decide the release date, marketing, streaming rights, DVD/Blu-Ray rights, number of screens and will share profit. This is not acceptable to Marvel, actually Disney which now owns Marvel.

Mark Ruffalo even confirmed this in an interview that a solo Hulk movie will never happen as Universal & Marvel won’t come to a common agreement. That’s one of the reason why Marvel has started to portray Hulk in a different manner in Avengers that he acts as a great sidekick.

Regardless of this, Marvel is working on She-Hulk. It’s going to be a comedy series which will stream on Disney+.

Now you know what’s the reason but still we should be hopeful as the future always surprises us with something new.

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