The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write
The stories we write

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The stories we write

Dedicated to the friends and roommates who used to play an active role in our lives before the world began to change. . . As we all know, life as we knew it had changed in the last year and we all have been going through this grief, of the loss of a familiar and connected world. Articulating this sense of loss did help me cope with it better. I hope it helps you too. . . We're going through times which we were never prepared for. As we sail through this storm,I think the most powerful thing we can do is to be kind to each other and ourselves. Let's do that.

by  athuljohn13Profile image for athuljohn13

3 years ago


Profile image for u_9f77279a-f899-445b-980e-a685f335a9df.webpNoorie.png

3 years ago

This was such a good post! Congratulations as a creator! And also power to you 🤗






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